Scott Leafe

Scott Leafe

Scott serves as the church treasurer and a teaching elder, routinely teaching our adult Sunday School classes. His passion is helping people develop and maintain a Christian worldview through teaching fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Among other business endeavors, he founded an environmental engineering company in 2001, leading to decades of business and entrepreneurial experience in the Houston metropolitan area. Scott serves as the President of Scriptel Ministries, a private non-profit corporation providing classroom-style Christian education and training to communities within and surrounding Houston, Texas. He is a U.S. Navy nuclear submarine veteran.

Scott received a Bachelor of Business Administration from LeTourneau University, a Master of Divinity in theological studies from Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry in Theology and Apologetics from the John W. Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University. He and his wife , Kari, live in north Houston and have a grown daughter and two grandchildren.

Administrative Assistant
Susan Kenningham
Associate Pastor/Music Director
David Jooste