Sermons on Daniel
Series Part 4

Sermons on Daniel

The Attributes of God – Omnipresence
Series Part 4

The Attributes of God God is Eternal:  No beginning and no end No starting point and no ending point. God is omniscient. He is all knowing. All knowing means that if it can be known He already knows it. He knows everything about everything. God is Omnipotent: God is all powerful, he is the almighty, meaning that He is Chief, Ruler and Master over all things. The 4th…

The Attributes of God – Omnipotence
Series Part 3

God is Omnipotent As a person, how can you order your life so that you can know the outcomes of decisions or at least in faith make decisions that no matter what the outcome you know you did the right thing? You cannot understand how God works until you understand his attributes. An attribute is quality or feature regarded as an inherent part of the makeup of someone or…

Studies in Faith – Daniel

Daniel and the lion’s den. During the reign of Darius. 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised, who shut the mouths of lions, Hebrews 11:33 In the story under the New King Darius, Daniel was one of three Administrators over the 120 satraps in the Kingdom. He was of such a quality of service that the King was going to…